Welcome to My World......

This is my first entry to my new blog and I am really excited, been doing abit of research looking at the displays of other
crafty people and some of them are amazing. On my blog spot there are a variety of pics which includes my wonderful little world which is my studio at Drumcroon Art Gallery Wigan, I am so proud of my studio. Finally I have a space to call my own and work without having to pack away all my stuff each time my family want to use the back kitchen table!!! and believe me I have been there many a time and the creative spirit dampens in time. Well my creative spirit at Drumcroon is well and truly on the rise to better things........

sketch book work

sketch book work
size zero!!!!

About Me

I graduated from University of Bolton 07 1st class hons in Textile/Surface Design. Took part in Graduate Showcase New Designers London, Graduate Showcase Embrioderes Guild at the Knit and Stitch show. Art of the Stitch Birmingham 08. I am currently at Drumcroon Art Gallery has one of the Art Educators, I have my own studio there and I love having my own space its great. Next showcase on my wish list is the Great north Craft fair in Manchester I cant wait.I am currently sending out my press pack to galleries and looking for an exhibtion space.....

Size Zero Exhibition Work

Size Zero Exhibition Work
Body Bag Dress

Friday 28 March 2008

Unique Finds......

hi all you craft people.....

I've just been on the search for some more unique finds, I've come across an old tin and a tailor brush...... I have a lot of these unique finds in my studio and I love it, some where some place these objects have been in someone else's possession and given a history.........

I reckon there are lots of great finds out there lurking underneath the couch or in the deepest parts of the shed......

Great finds are the best.....

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